A single-family home in California has been "invaded" by bees—so much so that honey is now leaking from the electrical outlets, coming "from a giant beehive behind the walls."
When the owner reached into one of the house's vents to investigate this growing apian problem, he pulled out "honeycomb after honeycomb after honeycomb," according to news channel KSBW.

The vents are droning; honey is flooding the interior of the house; and the owners are exactly one month past the cancellation of their builders' warranty, meaning that the problem is not only quite expensive, it is entirely up to them to solve.
The same owner is now justifiably worried that the house will become infested with honey-hungry ants.
It is infestation after infestation after infestation, we might say—though I suppose ants are a better fate than being infested with bears.
Ages ago, though, we saw that foreclosed homes have become an alternative ecological niche for mountain lions, and even now that unused—and undrained—suburban swimming pools are breeding grounds for West Nile-infected mosquitoes; the possibility that still-inhabited architecture could become the target of these and other strange infestations puts a uniquely worrying spin on the subject.
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