As part of the forthcoming UNPLANNED exhibition here in Los Angeles, opening March 25, Jeffrey Inaba and Darien Williams have produced "HLYWD," a series of images in which the individual letters of the Hollywood sign break off, rearrange themselves, and appear here and there around the city.
It is, the creators write, a "proposal for the migratory distribution of the Hollywood sign across Los Angeles"—like mobile anagrams in a game of trans-neighborhood Scrabble.
After all, "why limit [the Hollywood sign] to a fixed location?"
- Proposal: Let it roam? The sign’s simple structure and generic materiality lend it well to temporary erection on any number of sites throughout the city. Neighborhoods ‘borrow’ the sign or any subgroup of its letters for a determined period of time. Migration affords the sign a temporal dimension, which ensures its continued vitality as an unplanned landmark.
Or, like a new form of megastructural language poetry—perhaps an unexpected hybrid of Aram Saroyan and Ed Ruscha—the resulting project is a random species of unplanned words on the loose.
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