In more archaeological news, evidence of an ancient human settlement, including "caribou-hunting structures and camps," has been found deep beneath the waters of Lake Huron: "More than 100 feet deep in Lake Huron," ScienceDaily reports, "on a wide stoney ridge that 9,000 years ago was a land bridge, University of Michigan researchers have found the first archeological evidence of human activity preserved beneath the Great Lakes."
Of course, this goes rather well with our earlier look at the so-called "Lake Michigan Stonehenge."
All told, then, it sounds like the Great Lakes need their own version of the North Sea Paleolandscapes project, an unbelievably interesting archaeological program, run by the University of Birmingham, that hopes "to rediscover Doggerland, the enigmatic country which once linked the Yorkshire coast with a stretch of Continental Europe from Denmark to Normandy but which now lies beneath the North Sea."
(Spotted via Archaeology Magazine).
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