Monday, February 23, 2009

Listing Listward

BLDGBLOG has unexpectedly popped up on a list of The 100 Best Blogs, according to the Times.
I'm there alongside some very distinguished company, I have to say, including Owen Hatherley's sit down man, you're a bloody tragedy, and many of the blogosphere's usual suspects, from Boing Boing, TreeHugger, and TechCrunch, to David Byrne, The Sartorialist, and so on. Alex Ross's excellent The Rest Is Noise also made the list (don't miss Ross's book).
Of course, there are some very notable absences on the list, not least of which come from the vibrant architecture, cities, and landscape blogging scenes, of which I've always been excited to be a part.
The complete roster of 100 blogs is divided up into parts one and two – so check it out if you're looking for new sites to read.
And thanks, by the way, for continuing to read BLDGBLOG! It's frightening to say it, but the site's fifth birthday is approaching this summer.

(Thanks to Clare Dudman for pointing it out!)

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