These are photographs of a miniature, partially destroyed Manhattan-like metropolis built inside some guy's apartment in Sweden.
Magnus Johansson – who, I believe, took all these photographs – explains over at Work in Progress that the molds for the buildings consist of foamcard and RTV, and that they were then cast with "cheapish construction plaster" – although the artists also produced "some plastic versions using vacuum suction stuff."
Finally, it's all held together with "a combination of wood (white) glue, silicone glue from a glue gun and concrete filler," and then colored and painted in incredible detail.
Johansson refers to the project as "50 large buildings on the floor of three rooms in an apartment."
So what is it?
As Johansson goes on to explain, the whole thing was "funded by Swedish company Popcore," to a creative design by Mats Sahlström, and it was "built by Warhammer 40K players and students of Nordiska Scenografiskolan (Nordic Set Design school) in Skellefteå, Sweden."
They built it for a music video by Strata.
In some ways, though, I'm most blown away by the apocalyptic wallpaper.
But surely these guys should all be given honorary B.Arch. degrees for their model-building skills alone?
(Found via doilum. Meanwhile, if you think I need to re-caption these images with more accurate information, please let me know and I will update the post right away. Visually related: BLDGBLOG's interview with Lebbeus Woods).
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