Wednesday, September 5, 2007

A big cop in a small town: architecture of the model village

[Image: A model of the Arles Ampitheatre; photo by http2007].

I stumbled across a whole Flickr pool full of photographs of model villages the other week – and some of the pictures are just fantastic.

[Image: A model of the Fortified cité of Carcassonne; photo by http2007].

A Flickr user called http2007, in particular, has some great contributions – and he also maintains a great sub-set, called France Miniature Park, that's well worth checking out; all images in this post come from that collection.

[Images: Models of Notre-Dame de Paris, Montmartre, the Château de Versailles, and the Arc de Triomphe. All photos by a Flickr user named http2007].

Many, many, many more photos available at the model villages Flickr pool.

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