In just two months' time I'll be moving up to San Francisco to become a Senior Editor at Dwell magazine.
The job itself looks awesome – and a lot of fun – and it's in a great office, near the Transamerica Pyramid, only one block away from an architecture bookstore, and I'll have some really cool co-workers, and a great boss with good taste in German beer, and I'll even be near my publisher during the book design process, so I'm excited. I can go for walks in the Muir Woods! And look at the Golden Gate Bridge and walk across the hulls of abandoned 19th-century frigates.
A few quick things:
- 1) BLDGBLOG will continue – in fact, I'm using the entirety of this week to finish up all other freelance commitments, leaving just BLDGBLOG, the BLDGBLOG book, and Dwell. So BLDGBLOG isn't going anywhere.
2) This doesn't mean that Dwell will suddenly turn into BLDGBLOG, or vice versa. Dwell, as far as I'm aware, won't be covering, say, J.G. Ballard and the apocalypse, or gold star hurricanes, or statue disease, or the novels of Rupert Thomson (although they might start covering Mars bungalows – who knows – and the speculative urban futures of global climate change...). But those stories will continue to appear here on BLDGBLOG.
3) I'm a little nervous... A new job... another new city...
4) This also doesn't mean that Dwell endorses everything – or anything – that I have to say here on the blog; so if I get something wrong, or if I say something stupid... it's my fault alone.
5) Nervousness aside, I'm incredibly excited about the editorial directions all of this could go in, and I can't wait to start. I've already got a long list of (sometimes absurd) things that I'd like to cover at Dwell, and I really think this is going to be a good time.
Anyway, it's strange to think that I'm leaving Los Angeles! I thought I'd be living here for at least the next 9 or 10 years, growing cancerous and leathery in the sunlight, throwing events about science fiction and the city, so there are loads – and loads – of things that I've been meaning to do here that I'll now just have to squeeze into less than eight weeks.
I'll miss everything!
The desert! Joshua Tree! Zion National Park! Arizona! The Center for Land Use Interpretation! Baja California! SCI-Arc! The Hollywood Hills! Hell, I'll even miss the ArcLight.
And I live right across the street from Sony Studios, so nighttime walks past huge, well-lit hangars inside of which films are being produced will become a thing of my southern Californian past...
Anyway, I'll be in San Francisco starting September 1st or thereabout. And, if you're in the market for something to read, consider subscribing to Dwell.
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