Sunday, January 7, 2007

The Geostationary Banana Over Texas

[Image: Screen-grab from the Geostationary Banana Over Texas homepage].

One of the funnier works of atmospheric installation art I've yet seen is the so-called Geostationary Banana Over Texas.
The project is described as "an art intervention placing a gigantic banana over the Texas sky."

[Image: Another screen-grab from the Geostationary Banana Over Texas homepage].

The banana, we read, "will float between the high atmosphere and Earth's low orbit, being visible only from the state of Texas and its surroundings." It will be 300m long, framed with bamboo, and filled with helium.
I'm 100% behind the idea.

[Images: More screen-grabs from the Geostationary Banana Over Texas homepage; the last image is particularly brilliant].

After all, the project's organizers remind us, "a banana appearing in the Texas sky might seem like a 'message'."

(With a huge thanks to Michael Pace for the link! See also MetaFilter or Neatorama for more ).

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