So: in 100 words or less, what, where, how, who, why, when, etc., would your micronation be...? To date, we've been approached by a group who "will dig a trench and fill it with ourselves"; we've been pitched a "politically autonomous" National Sex Garden; we've been introduced to a world of street barricades, built in disused quarters of the world's cities; we've brushed shoulders with the "Sovereign Dictatorship of MOB"; and so on. You don't actually have to realize your nation, by the way; you can just talk about it. And the more architecturally interesting your idea is, the better.
Illustrations are both acceptable and encouraged.
If you need micronational tips, examples, criteria, etc., see BLDGBLOG's recent interview with Simon Sellars, one of the Lonely Planet guide's co-authors – or take a look at Wikipedia's entry on micronations. Or check out the Helicopter Archipelago.
Then submit to me via email...
The winner – chosen more or less on the whim of BLDGBLOG – will receive a copy of the Lonely Planet Guide to Micronations to read and obsess over, and their idea will appear on BLDGBLOG.
Get cracking!
You have till Friday, December 15th, 2006.
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