Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Beijing Orbital

[Image: "The northernmost, barren reaches" of Beijing's 6th Ring Road. From Wikipedia].

In a recent interview with, British author Iain Sinclair mentions that he hopes to begin a project called Beijing Orbital:
    When I was in Stavangar in Norway at one of these strange conferences, I saw a presentation by an assistant of Rem Koolhaas which was about the China TV building he’d built. He showed this virtual version of a city with seven orbital motorways just spreading out from the centre of this very traditional city into the desert, and the incredible pieces that were going up. I thought my god, it will be amazing to travel around these seven orbital motorways. Of course, that is relatively attractive to be made into a film. I think it will be reasonably possible to get a commission for that, which may also become a book. It will also involve me doing a lot of other things – circling round China as to what China means to different places in Europe, in the sense of Fu Manchu or people being drowned in Morecombe, all these stories, before I even embark on a journey to the place itself.
Maybe BLDGBLOG will beat him to it. Interested funders be in touch.

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