Instead of one overall winner, however, each juror will be posting his or her favorites, allowing for different standards, tastes, opinions, etc. So, as one of those jurors, I chose... the following:
My personal favorite was this laundromat in Honolulu, which comes in under the category of "Best Hidden Place":

That would make an absolutely killer book cover, for instance.
For "Best Natural/Urban Overlap," I chose this one:

For "Best Vantage Point," I went with the bean by sgoralnick:

For "Best Density," I chose another photo by sgoralnick (I really like this one):

And, for "Best Building," I chose this mausoleum-like horror movie grid/void, aka the Université Henri Poincaré in Nancy, France, photographed by a good-looking Norwegian man:

C'est tout. It was fun. Maybe we can keep this going, do a seasonal thing...
Actually, here's a runner-up for "Best Hidden Place": hevy, for his/her documentation of Miami's Ballardian back-side, of which this is just one example:

Thanks, everyone – and congrats – and check out the other jurors' picks, too: architechnophilia, Miss Representation, Polis, Life Without Buildings, and, of course, el tropolismo himself.
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