Friday, February 17, 2006

Dessert Landscapes

A friend of mine emailed, reminding me of an earlier post – then someone left a comment comparing BLDGBLOG to creme brulée. (I hope that's a good thing).

So I decided to revisit the world of dessert landscapes.

Yes, dessert landscapes.

These are all culinary creations by Akiko Ida and Pierre Javelle, whose own website is both handicapped by excess Flash and chock full o' chocolate goodness.

The pair have used kiwis, pastries, mushrooms, watermelons – and, of course, more desserts. But to sidestep the Flash agony, check out this blog for more images – or just look through BLDGBLOG's own earlier review.

(Thanks, Megg! Foodscapes originally spotted back in October through things magazine).

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