Tuesday, September 6, 2005

BLDGBLOG: Architecturally Reviewed

Somewhat unbelievably, BLDGBLOG was just featured in the August 2005 issue of The Architectural Review (on page 105). For ease of reference, and because I'm clearly not at all moved by this journalistic appearance, I've scanned, cropped, contrast-corrected, highlighted, digitally archived, and, now, uploaded images of that review for your reading pleasure...:

That post – Lunar urbanism – can be found here.
Then the next mention is longer, but it's kind of in the middle of the column, so the beginning and end of the following excerpt don't make much sense (as per your standard BLDGBLOG post), but...:

Thanks to David Cuthbert at Architechnophilia for pointing this out to me.

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